As leaders, are we as intentional as we should be? | Gagen MacDonald

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As leaders, are we as intentional as we should be?

Jan 08, 2015
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Frankly, we all know the world has changed. Much discussion is underway on how to adapt, respond and just deal with it. It reminded me of Peter Drucker’s quote: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” For the last 60 years, Drucker has guided our thinking on management. But as we move from the Industrial Age into today’s Conceptual Age, his statement feels even more prescient.

We may be asking the wrong questions. Rather than questioning how the world should change us; isn’t the real question, “How do we change the world?”

This is the question at the heart of Bruce Mau’s work. It both fascinates and inspires me. As a leading thinker in design systems, he’s working on everything from designing education systems to countries. Regardless of the challenge he’s trying to solve, it all starts with intent. This applies in the corporate world as well.

I challenge us to ask ourselves whether we’re really being as intentional as we should. Are we carefully selecting and applying the best levers to design the organizations and cultures we desire? What if we leaders were to change our intent? What would be the sustainable organization of the future? And if we are to be designers of that future—ours and our organizations’—how do we make the big leap and inspire others to leap with us?

These are some of the questions I’d like to explore with the community. And I’m hoping you’ll join me…

/ Jan 08, 2015

Want to change the world? Start by looking in.

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