One Year and Many Insights Later | Gagen MacDonald

Insights & Events / Blog

One Year and Many Insights Later

Jan 23, 2015
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Can you believe a full year has passed since we launched our community? It’s been a wonderful time of insight, collaboration and learning as we collectively pioneer new ways to think about and practice leadership and employee engagement.By talking with people across many domains, we’ve explored new ways to think about Capturing Imagination, Co-creating Possibilities, and Unleashing Capability. And we’ve seen many familiar themes pop up, albeit in some unfamiliar ways.I want to personally thank everyone who’s helped make this dream of ours a reality – the amazing leaders who’ve shared their perspectives, our friends and colleagues who’ve expanded the discussion on our blog, and all of you who’ve shown your support by joining the community and following the conversation.I hear from many of you that you’re sharing and applying what we’re learning here by incorporating the concepts into your leadership and engagement discussions and plans. That’s fantastic! I hope you’ll continue to share your experiences and add momentum to our growing community.We have a lot of exciting content planned for the coming year. Meanwhile, we’ve pulled together video compilations of some of the most prevalent perspectives expressed so far. Enjoy!
/ Jan 23, 2015

Gabi's Song

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/ Jan 23, 2015

Play At The Absolute Highest Level

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