Culture Change Consulting Services | Gagen MacDonald

Our Focus

Culture Change

We help shape and progress company cultures to serve evolving strategic needs.

Not even a generation ago, corporate culture was a secondary concern among most business executives.

While HR and Corporate Communication leaders tended to culture, others across the C-suite focused on more pressing topics, such as strategy, growth and operations.

The times have changed.

Today, company culture is top of mind for executives across the enterprise. In fact, according to a 2020 Conference Board survey, “building a more innovative culture” ranks as one of executives’ three biggest internal concerns.

While nearly every large organization is engaged in some sort of culture change effort to drive agility, innovation and customer-centricity (among many other aims), too few companies are taking an approach that’s as comprehensive as their ambitions require and deserve.

As culture change consultants, we have worked with the world’s largest, most complex and admired companies.

Cultures are expressed by behaviors and our behaviors are shaped by a multitude of rational and emotional triggers. As culture consultants, we’ve seen that company cultures are only effective when they operate in harmony with both strategy and structure.

Where employees experience and feel disconnect, behaviors become misaligned from expectations and the path forward becomes unglued. Through our work as a culture change consulting firm, we work to unify these elements.

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Case Studies


Reshaping a culture to transform a new behavioral health organization.

Experiences are the Root of Culture.

Our approach to consulting on culture change is defined by its interdisciplinary nature. We ground our culture consulting work in what we view as the Six Levers of Employee Experience: values, behaviors, communication, energy, symbols and systems.

In both conscious and unconscious ways, how employees experience each of these six elements together shape their beliefs about the company at which they work. Those beliefs form dominant organizational behaviors and those dominant behaviors become cultural hallmarks.

We bring strategic planning and company culture expertise to help identify the cultural attributes necessary to achieve your business goals.

Our culture consulting services include using both qualitative and quantitative tools to assess where disconnects exist between current employee experience and necessary future beliefs. Then, we work collaboratively to design dynamic and multifaceted culture interventions that jolt the employee experience, trigger new thinking and inspire new beliefs. As these beliefs take hold, with time and reinforcement, company culture change follows.