Customer & Employee Experience Consulting Services | Gagen MacDonald

Our Focus

Customer & Employee Experience

As seasoned employee experience consultants, we know the behaviors you inspire in your employees are felt in the external world.

New technologies continue to arrive at breakneck speeds, resulting in fundamental changes to how we work and live.

The window for disruptors to emerge between large companies and their customers opens more each day. As expectations heighten, it is critical that companies stay close to their customers by continually evolving and transforming their customer experience. While customer experience is a topic of great interest today, the reality is, brands are always a reflection of employee experience. Customer experience is the byproduct of employee action.

Just as customer experiences are carefully plotted through journey maps, employee experiences should be mapped in tandem. From their onboarding to execution, employees whose experiences are thoughtfully designed with intention are vastly better positioned to deliver an outstanding customer experience.

Hyatt small
Case Studies

Global Summit

Activating purpose through creating a global leadership experience.

Our team can make a difference in how your customers and employees experience your brand.

We do so by helping shape how employees experience your purpose, values, brand and strategy. We have formed deep employee experience consulting expertise working with HR, IT, corporate communication and other functional leads to connect your brand goals to your employee value proposition and translate them into a coherent employee experience.

Many examples of employee experience strategies shows how companies miss the mark by losing sight of the employee in their view of the customer. By bringing these two experiences into harmony and alignment, transformative organizations speed ahead.