Listening is an act of love | Gagen MacDonald


Listening is an act of love

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Love in Business is Good BusinessTM

And love thrives on listening. But listening really is a nuanced skill.

It’s easy to listen for specific information. It’s harder to listen for true understanding, without your own agenda.

There are levels to it.

  • Listening to be influenced
  • Listening for understanding
  • Listening to influence
  • Listening to agree or disagree
  • Non-Listening

Strong leaders operate at the top levels.

They don’t listen to push their perspectives; they listen to gain new ones.

They create space for discussing more than just work.

They make sure everyone feels empowered to use their voice.

They know when they don't need to drive the discussion.

They’re open to uncomfortable conversations.

And they show they care by following up on what they hear.

A healthy listening culture doesn’t just yield better conversations. It also delivers results, like:

  • A unique talent brand and employee experience
  • A more productive, innovative, psychologically safe workforce
  • Heightened feelings of belonging, inclusion and loyalty
  • Strong agility, resilience and change readiness
  • High-quality customer experiences

At the end of the day, listening isn’t just about making employees feel heard. It’s about recognizing and benefitting from the immense wealth of insights your people possess.

“The most valuable currency any of us has is not money. Nor is it intelligence, attractiveness, self-sufficiency or charisma. It is relationship. It is emotional capital.”
-Susan Scott, Author of Fierce Conversations

Can you recall a time you felt truly listened to? What impact did that have on you? We'd love to hear about it.

Happy Valentine’s Day from your friends at Gagen MacDonald. Reach out anytime, we're here to listen.

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