M&A Integration Consulting Services | Gagen MacDonald

M&A Integration

In a highly-disruptive era, mergers & acquisitions continue to be among the most significant sources of change in today’s corporate environment.

As an M&A consulting firm, we know the soft stuff is the hard stuff.

Recent data shows that a majority of senior executives report that their organizations are considering pursuing M&A integration activity in the near term. As data has consistently shown, far too many M&A deals start with a bang and end with a thud. In fact, more than half fail to deliver expected value.

When cultures collide and communication breaks down, fear, hostility and resistance set in. Suddenly, M&A deals that once sparkled on paper lack shine. Years down the road, when results stubbornly fail to materialize, leaders look around and ask themselves, “What happened?”

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Case Studies

Fortune 100 Global Biopharma Company

A people-first approach to M&A integration.
Our M&A consulting work is defined by the comprehensiveness of our approach.

Over the course of more than two decades, we’ve served as an M&A consultant to some of the world’s most highly-publicized corporate mergers.

We support our M&A integration clients through all phases of a deal — from pre-announcement through implementation. Where many companies invest huge resources in unveiling an M&A with an internal and external splash, we know that the greatest risk to a deal’s success comes when the hard work of M&A integration begins.

As M&A consultants, we address all aspects of the human struggle of change.

Rather than simply relaying information through clever messaging and sharp graphics, we work on the ground with our clients to use communication, employee engagement, storytelling, visual and experiential design, leadership development and human resource strategies to ensure a cohesive employee experience in the midst of M&A integration.

It is only when this cohesion occurs that an M&A integration deal’s expected value becomes a real possibility.

Areas of Focus

M&A<br />Integration
Business &<br>Digital Transformation
Culture<br />Change
Future of Work
Strategy<br />Execution
Customer &<br>Employee Experience