Bristol-Myers Squibb wins three 2018 Business… | Gagen MacDonald

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Bristol-Myers Squibb wins three 2018 Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards

Mar 20, 2018
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The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit has honored Bristol-Myers Squibb ("BMS") with three 2018 BTOE awards. BMS was recognized for “Best Achievement in Culture Transformation & Sustainability to Deliver a High-Performing Enterprise Excellence Culture” in the Project Award category and “Best Achievement in Operational Excellence in Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences” in the Organizational Award category. Additionally, BMS received the judges’ choice Platinum Award—which recognizes the most outstanding achievement among entries in the two main award segments through the application of operational excellence methodologies—for “Best Achievement in an Operational Excellence Project.”

BMS partnered with Gagen MacDonald to engage leaders and employees to understand enterprise and functional changes and do their part to focus resources, simplify work, and integrate efforts to deliver on the company’s ambitious, enterprise-wide transformation. Working broadly across the enterprise and deeply within each function, BMS and Gagen MacDonald utilized strategic change communication to introduce the operating model shift, support leaders to drive the change by listening and generating feedback, and engage employees around the organization’s new culture by shining a light on teams who are bringing the transformation to life by working in new ways. Through an extended period of significant change, the organization maintained focus on flawless delivery of critical medicines to patients who simply cannot wait.

About BTOES18

The BTOES18 Awards recognize organizations around the world that have implemented operational excellence programs that have delivered outstanding business results.

An independent panel of esteemed experts in operational excellence selected 22 winners of the BTOES18 Awards, of which three were awarded to BMS. Award winners were announced at the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit on March 14, 2018.

Earlier this year, BMS also won an In2 Innovation SABRE Award from The Holmes Report for Employee Engagement for this work.

Peruse other awards Gagen MacDonald’s clients have earned.

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