Congratulations Bernard Tyson! | Gagen MacDonald

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Congratulations Bernard Tyson!

Jan 23, 2015
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This week, we learned the exciting news that one of the leaders featured here on Let Go & Lead, Bernard Tyson, has been appointed the next CEO of Kaiser Permanente!

I want to take a moment to publicly congratulate Bernard on this announcement. It’s no mystery why Kaiser Permanente would entrust the mantle of their organization and the reins of their critical mission to his leadership. In speaking with him, one quickly understands the deep and abiding love he has for their business and their people.

What struck me most about Bernard was the humanness of his perspective. He knows that companies, at a fundamental level, are made up of people, and that the work they do together personifies their collective effort. Like any human enterprise, successful and reputable companies must have strong character, which can only be rooted in how they act and what they do.

At Kaiser Permanente, Bernard never loses sight of their mission to bring forward high-quality, affordable health care, and he is adamant that every action employees take, or decision they make, stem from that basic human starting point. As he says in our interview, this kind of culture comes to life through sharing stories and engaging in authentic, personal dialogue.

Our companies are becoming more and more global and digital in a world running faster and faster all the time. As our organizations work feverishly to stay ahead of the pace of change, we know that we need strong leadership to keep us tapped into our humanity, our character, and ultimately our reputation. With Bernard, Kaiser Permanente certainly has that.

/ Jan 23, 2015

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