Gagen MacDonald’s Story Activation Summit | Gagen MacDonald

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Gagen MacDonald’s Story Activation Summit

Mar 23, 2016
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Join us Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Professional communicators know a well-crafted story can alter our worldview. Now, a growing body of behavioral insights research confirms the power of stories to change attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Who delivers the story is as important as the story itself, according to a new Institute for Public Relations (IPR) study.

Join us for a special summit with senior executives in communications, marketing and HR to learn more about how leading companies are putting these findings into practice, activating stories to shape culture, drive change and energize employees.

Space is limited—RSVP today.

Summit Topic: The Science & Practice of Storytelling: Changing Attitudes, Beliefs & Behaviors

with Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Terry Flynn, Lead Researcher and Director of IPR’s Behavioral Insights Research Center



Discuss the latest behavioral and neuroscience research in the field of communications. In particular, we’ll focus on:

  • The power of stories to drive attitude/behavioral change
  • Critical attributes of persuasive communicators
  • The importance of well-crafted and culturally contextualized narratives Resistance factors in your audience
  • Connect the science to business outcomes by sharing approaches to create a story-infused social movement within an organization
  • Share best practices to identify employees who make great ambassadors and equip them as successful storytellers

Date & Time:Tuesday, April 26th from 8:00am-10:30am CDT

Location:Gagen MacDonald

35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 700

Chicago, IL



Steve PanowykConsultant, Building Capabilities Practice


Rebekah Childers

Team Lead & Consultant, Communication Practice

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