Invite Gagen MacDonald to speak at your event! | Gagen MacDonald

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Invite Gagen MacDonald to speak at your event!

Jan 02, 2014
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Maril MacDonald as Keynote Speaker

CEO of Gagen MacDonald and Let Go & Lead Founder, Maril MacDonald speaks all over the world on how to lead and motivate teams to positively affect your business strategy. Maril is a thought leader and innovator in employee engagement, culture change, and leadership development with a vision to "change the world, one company at a time."Maril helps transform companies by providing leaders with highly effective skills and tools. The result, employees engaged in alignment, action and urgency to significantly improve business performance. She has helped many Fortune 500 companies including Johnson & Johnson, and United Airlines and GE engage their employees and achieve remarkable results.A frequent speaker at conferences, universities and company meetings, Maril provides valuable insights that help individuals become better leaders. Uncovering what it takes to capture employees' imagination, co-create new possibilities, and unleash hidden organizational and leadership capability, Maril readies leaders to connect meaningfully with employees and drive their organizations forward.

Let Go & Lead Workshops

Gagen MacDonald can customize and deliver workshops for leaders that will reinforce the Let Go & Lead philosophy and help your leaders become inspirational motivators. These interactive, hands on sessions help leaders learn effective communication skills that drive behavior change and deliver results.Workshop topics include:
  • Inspiring through Storytelling
  • Curating Creativity & Action
  • Connecting with Purpose & Meaning

Let Go & Lead Webinars

To reinforce meeting messages systematically or to train difficult to reach leaders, Gagen MacDonald produces Let Go & Lead webinars. These digitally delivered sessions provide and efficient and methodical way to increase the effectiveness of leaders.We are proud to have helped create memorable events for the following:LogoIf you are planning your next leadership meeting and are interested in having Gagen MacDonald create a memorable and impactful experience for your leaders, please contact: Meg Wheaton at
/ Jan 02, 2014

Featured video: Al Carey, CEO, PepsiCo Americas Beverages

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/ Jan 08, 2014

The Power of Internal Social Media.

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