Our "Operating Principles" | Gagen MacDonald

Our "Operating Principles"

1. Be where you need to be, and only you know where you need to be.

We hire smart, dedicated people we believe we can trust to get their work done in the best way possible. So, if you need to be at a client, be there. If you need to take a walk through the park to clear your head to be creative…by all means take a walk. If you need to stay up late working on a deliverable, do it. If you need some peace and quiet and working from home provides that to you, do it. If you need to care for a sick child or loved one, be there for them. We believe our trust will result in better work for our clients, and a better work life for our people.

2. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

As human beings, we tend to look for answers everywhere but within ourselves, for this is what we know how to do, this is what we were taught, this is what we were raised to believe. We spend most of our time looking outside ourselves for all the answers to our questions, not understanding that we already possess within ourselves all that we need.

3. Help because you can.

Why help? Because we can, we give without expecting a return because the impact of that help given, is as great for the giver as well as the receiver.

4. Be kind, you never know what someone is going through.

We really never know what’s going on in someone’s life – what news they might have gotten that day. That’s why it’s so important to lead with kindness as often as we can. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt instead of taking something they say or do personally.

5. Take care of the whole person, employees and clients.

Taking care of the whole person means viewing each person to whom you are connected in completeness. The more you can see, understand, appreciate and show gratitude for all that a person is, the better the results you will achieve in your personal growth. Furthermore, the more you truly see a person for all that they are, the greater value you are able to add to their lives.

6. My part vs. Not my part – Own your part.

Boundaries are all about who we give power to. One way to maintain healthy boundaries in and out of work is to shift your mindset around how boundaries work. Understand that boundaries are limits you identify for yourself and apply through action or communication. This doesn’t mean you get everything you want when you want it. It means there are small things within your control that you can do to protect your time and energy.

7. Substance first, communication second.

As we have continued to build our business acumen, we have made a strong shift to focusing on the business needs and outcomes in order to strengthen our ability to align leaders, drive change, and improve communication effectiveness. This has enabled us to work across a variety of industries with credibility and trust. This same discipline has improved our own ability to make even stronger business decisions together for the firm.

8. When in doubt, do the LOVING thing.

Whenever faced with a tough decision, in work or in life, we fall back on this motto, a favorite one in the Gagen family. It doesn’t mean playing the pushover or dodging hard decisions. It’s also not merely about being nice. Doing the loving thing means carefully weighing your decisions from the perspective of each of person the decision impacts: the firm, our clients, individual employees, vendors and partners, and/or the public. Whether in business or in life, love hews to the same principles: it’s patient and kind. It’s honest and constructive. It considers many viewpoints beyond one’s own. And, it’s calmly confident in the face of truth.

9. Live in gratitude and share it with others.

Let’s be honest in general people undervalue the huge positive impact that gratitude has on the world. Why? Because they’re afraid they might be uncomfortable, or make someone else uncomfortable so they are reluctant to express it. The reality is showing appreciation actually does just the opposite. Letting people know that we appreciate them and their actions have lots of benefits. Not just for the person giving thanks, but also for the recipient. We can all benefit more from sharing what we’re feeling grateful for more often. Letting people know what you’re grateful for not only maximizes your own well-being but also makes those around you feel appreciated. Plus, it reinforces the behaviors we seek to promote across the firm.

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